
24 January 2011

Sickness can really mess with your performance

SO This was the end of a week with no sleep, too much carbs, not enough water, and no lifting. So here are the results

Squat: 455 yuck
Bridges: 15x1 80 lb dumbells
One legged press: 3 plates each side for 3x7
Glute ham raise: 3 x 8 Actually getting close to not having to push off the floor
Sled Drag: Using pulleys and 104 lbs. 20 feet x 5 x 3
Calve machine 3x too failure.

17 January 2011

ME back squat

Back squat 515 (felt strong and fast)
bridges 2 x 15 135 lbs
circuit Glute ham raises x 12 pistols onto 10 in box x6 2 rounds
3 rounds of calf raises to failure and sled pulls using gyms pulley system at 96 kgs 5 reps

Felt really good. Following Chris Mason's template from the Crossfit journal and going to walk when I can and replace Saturdays WOD with spin.

Back to the blog

Well I have a new plan. I have tried to be paleo and just don't have the will power. I am very convinced that it is the optimal way to eat, I just struggle sticking to it. For now I am just trying to get in the slow process of making better eating decisions. Of realizing there are better substitutions for the foods that are loaded with calories, and that all these mind games and incentives just make me go crazy. So when I have a sweet tooth I'll have a ton of fruit or some hard candy or popcorn, or eat what i want. The hope is that I eventually will be like my wife who eats what she wants but doesn't go crazy on it. She doesn't think, "well if I am going to cheat I am going to go all the way since this may be the last time in 3 months I have a donut, so I am going to eat a bunch and be disappointed because they didn't have the flavor i wanted, and so let's go back tomorrow." If I decrease the amount of calories I eat I'll lose weight. So I just need to work on filling up with the good stuff, and find better ways to satiate my terrible cravings.
By the way I have found the weightloss quaker Oats to be a very satisfying desert for me.
I love it.

24 August 2010

Lower Body day

Squats 10 reps 225/275/295/315
One leg Sled 6 reps 3 plates
The exercise where you lower your body prostrate with your feet locked. 4 x 8
Killed the calves

23 August 2010

Change up

I know, I am ever changing my mind on stuff. I had a talk with my wife last night wherein I realized that despite working really hard, and eating, for the most part, well. I haven't been losing weight. I don't know if the high intesity multivariable gig is meant for my body. Normally, when I workout, my Kalama genes kick in and in 3-4weeks I am very strong and my body composition changes quickly. This has not been the case with my adventures in Crossfitting type workouts.

I want to make it clear that I think CF is amazing. They are awesome, and will get people sick fit. I don't know if I just am so metabolically deranged that I don't get the results I should, or what. My confidence in the science and philosophies of training Crossfit style are as strong as ever. My faith is what has kept me going strong with it for some time. I have loved the endurance it has given me, and it has been a blast kicking my own butt and varying my workouts. However, I haven't changed my body composition, and to me, right now, that is priority. I will be back to CF/BLack box as soon as I look a little hotter.

So I am going OG. back to the days with dad, back to what took years of lifting and coaching. Back to what I know works for my body. My body responds best to a Bodybuilding/powerlifting protocol mixed with some cardio and athletic movements (oly lifts, basketball, sport). I can put on mass and initiate hypertrophy like no other. So I that is what I am going to do.

I started this morning and felt AWESOME! it felt so good to get a pump again-to look swoll. I could feel the adrenaline and felt at home spending a good 90 minutes torturing my upperbody and taking it to failure.

Sample split:

Mon-Upperbody. Powerlifting movement, push and pull (supplementary unilateral), more supplementary lifts

Tues- Same with lowerbody

Wed- light long swim.

Thursday_ long cardio

Friday-Oly lifts/speed upper and lower/Whatever needs work/maybe a Metcon

Saturday- 90 minute spin class.

21 August 2010

Snatch Workout

Snatch 3/3/3/1/1/1 got up to 170
its a balance thing

AMRAP 15 minutes
5 cleans, 135 lbs
10 box pistols
15 double unders

I got four rounds. Wasn't tired but they were actually double-unders. Did another round then some more pistols and cleans for fun.

18 August 2010

Floor Press

Floor Press 3/3/3/1/1/1

3 rounds

185 clean and jerk x 6
burpess x 10
pull-ups, jumping x 6
