
07 July 2010

Oh, The Horror

Holy cow! Vacation has been tough. I managed to stay paleo with just a couple miffs and treats until grandma Call's dinner. An amazing spread of chicken haystacks on rice with fresh baked dinner rolls with amazing jam, and brownies with ice cream. Pure Neolithic ecstacy. So that was my fourth token, but worse than that it begat an attitude that staying on track during vacation is just too tough and that I'll just have to be strict when not on vacation. So therafter unraveled a series of unfortunate feasts; all culminating at last night's Denny's visit with all-u-can-eat pancakes and a grand slam. I am even more embarrassed to post that I have been unable to get to a GYM. I did play some ultimate frisbee and capture the flag.
There is no better sport than capture the flag. I proclaim this with absolute confidence, because previously I had determined football was the greatest sport and have discovered there is one greater. It is hard to believe that I would ever have to defend football as greater than all sports except capture the flag, but I understand there are those who do not agree. Football is better than all other sports, besides capture the flag, because of the specialization. If you are small, cool, go be a db or kicker. If you're a tub of partially hydrogenated fat, sweet, you'll make a great lineman. If you're a loon who likes to run headlong into stuiff, rock-on, be a line backer. Every team within a team works together in a mock war reminiscent and preparatory to battle. Where strategies still evolve and weaker teams can still defeat better teams with it. Beautiful.
Even more beautiful; capture the flag where specialization, teamwork, and strategy are even more paramount. I had the most fun time playing with and observing, from jail, 5 yr. old girls become liberating heroes, grandpas showing quick enough bursts of speed to capture swift, young men, and endless ninja impersonators using wit to sneak and deceive. And strategies, where else is strategy so paramount, evolving, and improvised? Thanks Chanda and Chandler for such a fun chance to run around, play, and do battle with family I love.

Isagenex shake

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